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    Visualising Your Next Home With Perry Homes

    Published on June 7, 2014

    Jul 7, 2014

    If you’re in the market for a great looking new home in Queensland, display homes made by Perry Homes offer the best options in choosing the type of home you have always wanted.

    Perry Homes has over 20 years of providing excellent service and build fantastic homes for its customers. Their commitment to quality has earned them recognition, trust, and respect among Queensland home builders.

    Perry Homes’ display properties are a great way to help those who are building a new home to better visualise what their homes could potentially look like, once completed. This enables potential homebuyers a chance to compare different home designs and house plans all in one place. In addition, some display homes are available for purchase and can often result in a much better investment than a normal property.

    The display homes built by Perry Homes are strategically positioned throughout Queensland between Upper Coomera and Hervey Bay. Using the latest in innovative designs and contemporary finishes, these display homes highlight the commitment to quality and service that Perry Homes has maintained for over 20 years.

    Tips for Designing Your New Home

    Designing the home you will live in is one of the most important decisions you can make in your life. Therefore, planning and articulating want you want should be done with great attention to details. Here are some tips to keep you focused during the process:

    • Starting simple is the best way to get ideas flowing. Write them down on paper quickly. Even starting out with just a pencil and paper is enough to start the process, and don’t worry about needing fancy software, that will only present delays to your overall plan. Start now, and start simple is the best way to get going.
    • Keeping the future in mind also allows you to make better plans, like having a room designated as an office, or maybe a playroom for children, or accommodations for an elderly family member. Planning for any extra amenities in the design process will potentially save you time and money than having to remodel the house in the future.
    • Take advantage of the lot space you plan to acquire and then make the best use of it. For example, if your house sits, or will sit, on a hill, making the living room face the open landscape will make for a spectacular view. In addition, the placement of windows should be well thought out to maximise your viewing experience.
    • Making sure the house is designed in a way that makes sense and is comfortable for its residents is useful in creating a great atmosphere. For example, having a bathroom next to the dinner table may not be the best location. Another way to make the house design flow better would be to make sleeping areas separate from communal areas where there is likely to be more noise.

    The Perry Homes line of display homes can offer home designers a lot of ideas on how to design their next home using the latest design trends in the market. For more information about designing your dream home, visit a Perry Homes display home today.

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