Visualising Your Next Home With Perry Homes
Jul 7, 2014 If you’re in the market for a great looking new home in Queensland, display homes made by Perry Homes offer the best options in…
READ MORE »Benefits of Buying Home and Land Packages
May 28, 2014 Tweed Heads home builder, Perry Homes, provides a number of options when it comes to building a new home. In particular, they specialise in…
READ MORE »Why Right Now is the Best Time…
May 28, 2014 Have you always wanted a gourmet kitchen and a walk in wardrobe that features a shoe gallery to rival Carrie’s from Sex and The…
READ MORE »Calboolture, Brisbane - Introducing the Genesis display…
Apr 14, 2014 The kitchen in this home is truly amazing and reflects the time spent in designing a functional area which can be appreciated by the…
READ MORE »New display homes now open in Riverbank…
Apr 10, 2014 Showcasing two new designs to the Perry Homes portfolio, the Genesis 183 and Seaquest 242 are now open for inspection at 18 Dularcha Street,…
READ MORE »New Display Home Opens in Yarrabilba
Aug 12, 2013 The Caprice 250 has been designed for traditional sized lots and features four bedrooms including a spacious master suite, separate media room, and study…
READ MORE »Three new display homes open in Yamba,…
Jul 26, 2013 After many years in the same display, we are delighted to open two new displays homes, one in Yamba and the other in Hervey…